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Verpackungen › Verpackungen aus Kunststoff | Asch Kunststoff-Verarbeitung

submitted 2 Years ago, Thursday, Apr 20, 2023, 04:21:19 by redaktion in Business
Verpackungen › Verpackungen aus Kunststoff | Asch Kunststoff-Verarbeitung
Anyone looking for an experienced producer of thermoformed plastic parts of all kinds can turn to the experts at Asch Kunststoffverarbeitung. The team can look back on a wealth of experience from more than 45 years of successful business activity. Accordingly, the employees of the specialist company can competently assist their customers with the most diverse concerns in the area of planning, development, design and production of thermoformed parts.

The product portfolio of Asch Kunststofftechnik includes, for example, drill hole blowers, blister packs and bellows. The specialists also manufacture plastic inserts and transport trays. In addition, there are numerous other plastic products that can be manufactured using the practical thermoforming process.
The articles find numerous applications in a wide range of industries. For example, individualized machine covers can be produced for special machine construction, and special plastic inserts are used, among other things, in logistics for the transport of goods.
The company headquarters of Asch Kunststoffverarbeitung is located in Wiesenstraße, in Ammerbuch-Altingen. The managing director of the company is Mr. Asch.
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